TABC Announces Renewal Postcards and Online Services
As part of its efforts to streamline the license/permit renewal process, licensees or permittees will begin receiving a renewal notice postcard in the mail prior to their expiration date. DO NOT IGNORE THIS POSTCARD. The postcard will include instructions on how to access TABC's online portal. Holders of a TABC Agents' Permit will receive notification of renewal via letter. We encourage all licensees and permittees to submit their application for renewal via TABC's online portal. Permittees seeking to apply for label approval may also use the agency's online portal to submit their applications.
License or permit holders with no changes to their existing license or permit may submit their renewals using TABC's online portal, Submitting online reduces paperwork, postage costs and notary fees, according to TABC Acting Licensing Director Jo Ann Joseph.
"The goal is to make it easier for a business to apply for and obtain their renewal," Joseph said. "By applying online, our licensees and permittees can avoid the lines and the wait times that come with submitting a paper application. In addition, they'll receive confirmation of receipt so they'll have peace of mind knowing their renewal is being processed." Joseph said "TABC licensing specialist are also available by phone or in person to answer questions."
"We understand this is a big change, but the goal is to make it easier for everyone to do business," she said. "We'll do everything we can to ensure a smooth transition, and I'm confident this new process will decrease wait times and improve customer service going forward."
For more information about online license/permit renewals, visit
Contact: Licensing (512) 206-3360