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Your local TABC

Jan 17, 2023

Delay in new online ordering portal for tax ID stamps

The launch of the new online ordering portal for tax ID stamps will be delayed due to continued data migration. TABC will send updated notifications to local distributors when the portal launches.

This communication only applies to holders of a Local Distributor Permit (LP). If you do not hold this permit or represent the permittee, this does not apply to you.

What's next

  1. You will receive an activation email to create your account in the new portal before ordering stamps.
    • Please note: We are sending activation emails to the last email address on file in the previous tax ID stamp ordering system. Any account that did not have an email address listed will have the activation sent to one of the entity, owner, or prime user account emails registered in the Alcohol Industry Management System (AIMS). 
  2.  After account activation emails are sent, TABC will follow-up to remind businesses to check their inboxes. At that time, instructions will also be provided to any businesses that need help accessing their account
  3. Once received, you will follow the instructions in the account activation email to access your account.
  4. Once you access your new account, you may order tax ID stamps through the new portal.

Questions or concerns?

Learn about tax ID stamps.

Contact TABC at or 512-206-3341.

Updated Feb. 13, 2023

This article is updated to reflect the delay in the launch of the tax ID stamp ordering system. The system was originally scheduled to launch Feb. 14. TABC will notify businesses of the new launch date soon.