Nov 27, 2023
Virtual stakeholder meeting scheduled for Dec. 7
Join TABC staff to discuss draft rule amendments the agency developed to implement new laws from the 88th Legislature. This meeting is set for Thursday, Dec. 7, 10 to 11 a.m. CST.
Potential draft rule for publication:
- Revisions to Rule 45.4 (Product Registration Required) to add provisions in response to the passage of SB 1322 and SB 1832 in the 88th Legislature, Regular Session.
It is TABC's intent to propose this rule for publication at the commission meeting in January.
- Location: This meeting will be held by Zoom videoconference at this link.
- Conference call line: +1-669-254-5252
- Meeting ID: 160 055 2196
- Passcode: 676965
- iPhone one-click dialing: +16692545252,,1600552196#
If you are unable to attend by videoconference, you may share your thoughts with TABC staff by emailing